The Chiropractic Wellness Model: Preventing Injuries in Your Office
Research shows that companies with successful health and productivity programs have superior business outcomes and financial returns.
We’ve all seen workplace injury prevention programs that focus on ergonomics, proper lifting techniques, and improving posture, but have you ever seen one that embraces wellness as a key component?
Injury prevention is more than just attending a team training on proper lifting techniques. A worker’s lifestyle and habits are potentially the most important predictors of whether someone will be injured on the job. It makes sense that a healthy and fit worker is less likely to fall prey to the strains, sprains, and other pitfalls associated with being injured on the job. It also makes sense that a healthy and fit employee who does suffer an on-the-job injury is more likely to recover more quickly that one who is not.
Optimally healthy workers also generally bring a better attitude to work with them, and – let’s face it – are usually more fun to be around than people who aren’t feeling well. If happy and healthy employees create a more positive environment, an argument could be made that employee wellness is a critical factor in your practice’s ultimate success.
One reason there are minimal injuries in chiropractic offices is because they are already focused on being healthy. But there is always room for improvement…
Chiropractic offices that implement office wellness programs and team/staff challenges based on health goals – such as weight loss contests, most daily steps competitions, smoking cessation, etc. – are healthier than those who do not. And, if they help prevent injuries in your office, they can help with your bottom line, as well, through decreased workers’ compensation insurance costs.
Wellness and optimal health are the central concepts of AmeriProtect, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Michigan Association of Chiropractors strategically positioned to provide the chiropractic profession with affordable and reliable workers compensation insurance options. AmeriProtect wants to help your practice grow a healthy team that can in turn inspire your patients on the road to better health and wellness.
What is AmeriProtect?
Who owns and operates AmeriProtect?
AmeriProtect, located in Lansing, Michigan, is owned by the Michigan Association of Chiropractors (MAC) and its operations run out of the MAC headquarters. It is governed by its own Board of Trustees, all MAC members, who oversee the growth and transparency of the group.
Where do the profits go?
In short, all profits stay in the profession. Sure, there are overhead costs, but the mission of AmeriProtect is to provide quality, affordable insurance products to Michigan chiropractors, while keeping their hard-earned financial resources in the chiropractic profession.
How does AmeriProtect benefit the chiropractic profession?
Normally, when chiropractors purchase their health and workers’ compensation from other carriers, that money spent is NEVER returned to the profession. In fact, some carriers actively lobby against chiropractors at the capital. Here is a quote from a senior Blue Cross official testifying against Michigan Senate Bill 282 (which would require workers’ compensation to pay for all chiropractic services legally performed under our scope of practice):
“This bill expands reimbursement for chiropractic care into the primary care arena, which we believe jeopardizes patient safety and exposes injured workers to the risk of misdiagnosis and unnecessary care. A worker’s health and safety is our foremost concern whether it is on the job site or in the exam room. By not interacting with a primary care doctor, the patient risks a delay in receiving appropriate care.”
In short, the money most chiropractors are spending on health and workers’ compensation coverages is funding opposition activities. AmeriProtect wants to help stop that process.